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home sweet home

this my first home, i make this house with my own inspiartion.
i say my classic minimalis ^_^


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penemuan terbesar: tabut perjanjian nabi Musa

penemuan terbesar: tabut perjanjian nabi Musa Semua yg pernah membaca kitab agama Yahudi, tahu bahwa ada tertulis dengan detail/terperinci hukum-hukum musa dan apa yg di perintahkan kan Allah kpada nabi Musa. Selain disuruh Allah memimpin bani Israel keluar dari Mesir, dan memasuki tanah perjanjian (tanah kanaan / palestina / lokasi peta israel jaman sekarang), nabi Musa juga diperintahkan Allah untuk membuat " Tabut Perjanjian " (ark of convenant - melambangkan hadirat Allah di tengah-tengah bani israel, sebagai lambang perjanjian bani israel dng Allah yg hidup). Nabi Musa juga diberikan hukum-hukum dari Allah, salah satu nya tentang hukum penghapusan dosa: Imamat 16 :14 dimana imam besar harus memercikan darah kurban ke atas tabut perjanjian , barulah terjadi perdamaian atas segala dosa pelanggaran. Ada seorang Arkeolog bernama Ron Wyatt. Ia menemukan “Tabut Perjanjian Musa“. Tabut ini tersembunyi di luar tembok Yerusalem sebelum kota Yerusalem dihancurkan o/ tentar...


Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang , Central Java , Indonesia . The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues . [ 1 ] A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa . The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage . The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path circumambulating the monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology , namely Kāmadhātu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). During the journey the monument guides the pilgrims through a system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades . Evidence suggests Borobudur was abandoned following the fourte...